Life · The Pit

I’m not welcome in my head…

Being stuck inside my head has never really been a welcoming idea, but hey it’s home right? Lately though it hasn’t just been a dark and dreary maze of horrors, it feels more like a plain small padded room… full of  invisible booby traps. Maybe to some people the first option sounds worse… to me…… Continue reading I’m not welcome in my head…


Unhealthy coping mechanisms and alone time

I could lie and say I’m in an emotionally better place than after Valentine’s day and the Mr. and I’s anniversary but I’m not going to do that. The mental fuckery that is playing games in my head space is definitely a part of it but the home dynamic, family stress and my ‘lost evening’…… Continue reading Unhealthy coping mechanisms and alone time


My doctors are using the F word now So I’m sitting here with a glass of  Petite Sirah, listening to some Zakk Wylde (it’s generally something I do when the world has turned to shit and I need to chill the fuck out….). If  you have gandered at my ramblings before, you’ll notice I don’t have a problem letting the F-bomb slip. Hell……… Continue reading My doctors are using the F word now